Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Arrival

9:00 P.M., Tuesday,14 April 2OI4, preparation day. There were five of us from our church that will join the other missionaries from ROCM in going to Tacloban.

image source: About ROCM

From our church in Antipolo, we went to Rocm and,there we spent the night. We slept 12 o'clock in the midnight and awakened three in the morning. When I got up, I saw my aunts, aunt Concept, a nice middle-aged and aunt Alpha, the sister of Concept and the youngest in their family.Also my cousins Paul and Rezzy, were also coming with us.

We rode into our taxi,s and went to the Philippine Air Force, where we will ride the SEA130, a cargo plane that is usually used in war. inside the Philippine Air Force, we saw a bus with tall, beautiful, young ladies in it, they were the Miss Earth Philippines!They were also riding the cargo plane.

In the plane. you can feel the pressure crushing your ear drums, it was really irritating and vociferous. At last! we arrived Tacloban. Where I saw my dad, who arrived earlier than us. also my cousin, Mirah and a friend named Nicole.

After that, we ate grilled pork, and started the DVBS, there were lots of children that attended. they were all happy, because of learning new things about God.

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